2024 Event Summary
In case you haven’t heard, the environment in downtown Raleigh last week was extremely positive and energetic – electric even. And attendance was very strong – people were EVERYWHERE!
Take a few minutes to check out the By the Numbers summary below, as well as a few pictures and observations, and plan to join us next year October 12-14.

Select Images
(all images from 2024 will be dropped soon)

A Few Thoughts and Observations
- The future of open source is bright. We saw many new faces this year, and all were beaming with hope and enthusiasm. Everyone in the space must do their part to support these wonderful humans and cultivate their growth and participation.
- Even with all the talk of AI and automation, open source is still about the people. People make everything spotlighted and discussed possible, and the human component must never be forgotten or ignored. We’ve focused on the people making open source and technology possible since 2013, and we always will.
- The kindness of the ATO community continues to be the thing we are most proud of. It’s probably the thing we hear commented on/about the most. ATO remains a special, special event. It’s simply different.
- We’re already working on next year’s event – lucky #13! Be sure to save the date now and plan to join us October 12-14 for the “tools, processes, and people making open source possible”.
- AI content was especially popular this year. So popular we’re partnering with Mark Hinkle to host an AI specific event next March (2025) called All Things Open AI. Save the date and join us in downtown Durham, NC!