Session: A Web Performance Story
Using open source datasets to make informed deployment decisions around performance and user experience
If you stop to think about it, the internet has come a very very long way. It went from being a network for the military and academics to allow sharing and collaboration on various projects and documents, to the central nervous system of our everyday lives. We have spent the better part of the web’s existence innovating and making sure we understood all aspects of its operation. With time, web apps became more capable – and as a result, also became more complicated with every deployment.
A Web Performance Story is a talk about what we, as web performance practitioners, see under the hood when looking at sites, but also the important data. In the last few years, we have made use of datasets from the HTTP Archive (LAB data) as well as the RUM archive (RUM data) to make learned decisions using the past, present, and possibly predicting the future of your app’s performance and user experience.
Takeaways for the audience:
- What Real User Monitoring (RUM) is
- How to interpret the data
- How RUM differs from LAB data (such as, but not limited to Lighthouse)
- Pros and cons of RUM
- RUM and LAB tools that are available to developers